February 8, 2010

day three

Tomorrow will be my 3rd day working for Kelly Oshiro. It's the second week of life in design, and let me just tell you that despite the odds, I'm much more relaxed and happy and busy than I've ever been. Last week I started my internship and administrative position, and spent my first day on the job touring the downtown LA fabric & prop district!

The picture above is a typical aisle in a typical prop house downtown...now, take this aisle, multiply it by 100, and you've got the amount of sensory overload I experienced. Then, as if that weren't enough, we headed next door to Michael Levine (the Disneyland of fabric stores in downtown). Truly amazing..I mean seriously...anything and everything you could ever imagine was there in one single 4 or 5 block radius! Some of my favorite finds?...

...this gorgeous powder blue cowboy hat (which would have come in hand during my college sorority days!)...
aisles and aisles of glassware with pieces such as this adorable 1950's inspired malt/root beer float glass (made me wish it was 4th of July!)...
...Seer sucker! Don't worry... I immediately sent this picture to my friend Dave in Alabama who owns a few seer suckers suits to ask if he needed any replacement fabric...
...I love all of this! Rows and rows and rows of glittery fabric! and yes Halli and Doreen, some of these fabrics we already own (think kiss from a rose, billy-a-dit, and Joseph and his amazing technicolor dream coat)!
ahhh, downtown on a clear day is truly gorgeous. The day before, it had been pouring rain. For those outside of California, the day after a storm is always the best!
All in all, I had a fantastic week! Tomorrow I head up to Santa Barbara for my second major work day-by-the-sea, and this time we're heading to see a new event venue, visiting a local florist, and prepping for an amazing photo shoot at the end of the month. As my proverbial life question asks: "What would you attempt to do if you knew you couldn't fail?". I think I've found my answer-nothing else but this!

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