January 21, 2010


anyone who truly knows me will tell you that I'm a sucker for symbolism. I've always been fascinated with secret societies, conspiracy theories, and historical unknowns...which is part of the reason I am so passionate about weddings/wedding design. Getting to develop double-meanings out of all those normal, often mundane elements of a wedding is always my goal and challenge, and I love learning new and interesting ways to demonstrate a couple's je ne sais quoi. Today I came across a fascinating double-meaning maker that does just that all while staying "green". Michael and Anna Costa, an amazing wedding photographer couple out of Santa Barbara tweeted this am about PorridgePapers, a small company out of Lincoln Nebraska that prints recyclable/plantable letterpress invitations. Yes...you heard me right...PLANTABLE paper{aka..dampen invite, plant in soil, + water...and watch your request for their presence turn into pure fruit/flower gold}.
Meet your hubbie or wifey while working a community garden? Share a passion for tomatoes? Eat a lemon tart on your first date? Why not plant some of these seeds in your paper and give your guests the opportunity to do the same!

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